週五 Fri 7:30pm on site 教會現場
12 Rossgrove Tce, Mt Albert.
2022 - M1820 fighting 扬帆起航!
Hi everyone! New year has come, I hope we all had a good break. May the Lord lead M1820 to a new chapter this year! 大家好!新的一年来到了,我们的双语小组也要开启新篇章了。希望大家在休息的时候都有开开心心的休息,也通过这段时间沉淀自己,用更多的时间来寻求神。
Thank you everyone for your participation and contribution last year. And this year, we will have something new and fun. 谢谢大家这一年来的参与,新的一年新的开始,小组有趣多多!
We will start our Creative Workshop, which will be carried out with two biblical themes (so far) - First one is [Recovery as a child] -Recover the intimate relationship with God. The other one is [Going into the depths of water] -Evangelism. We will do some DIY together. (making clay , making crosses, designing ornaments, Such as cross-type necklaces, key chains, brooches, refrigerator magnets, etc… 新的一年我们迎来了【创意工坊】,会围绕两大主题来开展-第一个是【恢复小孩样式】-恢复与神亲密的关系,第二个是【走进水深之处】-传福音。我们将通过一起DIY制作粘土的方式来进行创意工坊,一起做十字架,一起设计生活小饰品。例如十字架类型的项链,钥匙链,胸针,冰箱贴等..
Of course, we will still learning and sharing the word of God together. 2022, let us be more closer to God, know him better, more experience in his love and power. 更有重要的信息分享,新的一年,让我们更多的更新,寻求更深的带领,与主更深的亲密!